Saturday, November 22, 2008

On the 7th Day of Thanksgiving

The 12 Days of Thanksgiving

On the 7th day of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for our new president-elect Barack Obama and his team of hardworking people. I am hopeful that under his tutelage, our wonderful country will finally be back on track. Three wars - Iraq, Afghanistan and Terror - have left our country broken, scarred and depleted. Under Obama's leadership I would like to see our America rise again and be the great nation of the world - for the sake of my children and grandchildren.

1 comment:

hls1209 said...

I pray this is true, and I believe it is. I just fear it will take quite a while after the terrible toll that the last 8 years have taken on our great country. I am encouraged in the selections Obama appears to be making for his cabinet, and I believe he is trying to select the very best people.