Okay, I'm a TV addict - I freely admit it. I have certain shows I absolutely love and can't think about missing. VCRs and DVD players have been great for recording and playing back programs, so I was ecstatic when we finally got a DVR. No more VHS tapes or discs - now I can record my favorite shows and watch them anytime I want.
Because I'm an insomniac, I typically watch a lot of TV at night after my family has gone to bed. Makes for some "hard to get up" mornings, but then again, I've never been a morning person.

Although Hulu has been up and running for almost a year (March 2008), I did not learn about this neat site until this year's Super Bowl. I know, I know, I'm not a sports fan - I'm one of those nuts who tapes the Super Bowl and then fast-forwards through the game just to watch the commericals! Voila` - Hulu!!
The first commerical I saw starred Alex Baldwin - mooshy, mooshy ...
Since the original commerical, several other TV stars have done Hulu commericals: Eliza Dushku, Homer Simpson, and Family Guys' Seth McFarlane.
Now I can watch many TV shows from my childhood - Starsky and Hutch, Saturday Night Live, Flipper, Lost in Space and Buck Rogers - as well as newer shows which are now off the air - Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Hulu is also great for catching up with current shows you may have missed, or forgotten to program the DVR for - Fringe, Legend of the Seeker, Dollhouse, House or Lie to Me.
Just when you thought television couldn't get any better, along comes Hulu. How do they do it? 'Cause:
They're aliens and that's how they roll ...
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