Monday, September 8, 2008

Manic Monday

I don't know what is wrong with me, I know it's not because it's Manic Monday because I've been feeling out of sorts all weekend. I know it's not PMS, because I haven't had that problem for over 12 years. I know it's not my family because they haven't been home much this weekend.

I haven't been able to sleep - all I've wanted to do is eat. This is not helping my weight or my mood. I just can't seem to snap out of it.

I know I'm prone to depression, but honestly, nothing much has changed in my life for several months. But maybe that's the problem.

Maybe I'm stuck in a rut...

Maybe my subconcious realizes the problem and is trying to tell me by sending pysical messages...

Maybe it's the presidential election and all the damn politics going on right now...

Maybe it's the fact my oldest two daughters are getting married next year...

Maybe it's because my hubby and youngest daughter had to work all weekend and I was left alone...

Maybe I'm still missing my sister - it's been over 3 years since she left our lives forever...

Maybe it's global warming or the endangered polar bears or the active hurricane season or the continuing drought in my state...

Maybe it's the waxing full moon (not full for another week)...

Maybe I really am crazy...

Maybe I'm...


1 comment:

Totallyscrappy said...

Two daughters getting married next week??? That sounds like a slice of stress. Blessed stress, but stress! Or maybe... crazy stress!