Monday, March 30, 2009

Cutler Eats Humble Pie

Alan Cutler has been an outstanding sports reporter at WLEX for many years and he has been my friend since I've known my husband.

Although I don't agree with the aggressive behavior some reporters use when trying to nail down a comment - and I don't condone Alan's tactics - I do realize reporters are only doing their jobs.

Where is the outcry over reporters chasing Britney, Lindsay, Rhianna and Octomom? I think the American public has 2 sets of standards - what reporters can do to get comments from a huge celebrity and what they can do to get a local news story. I place a lot of blame on all the UK fans who burned the Internet and other airwaves over the past week with continuous speculation of - will he stay or will he go. Alan was only trying to get the story these people wanted to hear.

Billy Gillipsie made the choice to be in the spotlight and with that exposure there comes a price. If Gillipsie had been guilty of swindling UK out of millions of dollars, I don't think the outcry would have been as vocal.

Alan has apologized to UK and the public and I feel he deserves the benefit of the doubt. Everyone makes mistakes - no one is perfect.

Hang in there, Alan - your family, friends and loyal fans are behind you 100%!

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