Monday, August 25, 2008

Fighting Manic Monday with Breakfast

I have never been a breakfast person. I don't normally like "breakfast" foods - eggs, bacon, sausage or cereal, so this is the meal I usually skip. As a retired Registered Nurse, I realize the importance of starting each day with breakfast, but for me, Coca-Cola was always my breakfast buddy.

However, since I have quit drinking Cokes, I'm finding myself hungrier and hungrier each morning. My body seems to be in withdrawals from its sugary diet of Coke and is now telling me it craves real sustanance.

This past week I decided I needed to set a better example for my 16 year old daughter, so I have been having a bowl of oatmeal each morning before work. At first I could barely get more than a few bites in before my body rebelled. But this morning, I was able to wolf down my bowl without a moments hesitation!

Not only is oatmeal a good part of anyone's diet, but it is giving me more energy to get through the morning hours. Typically I was starved by the time I would get home for lunch. Now, I can take my time fixing my noon meal and I don't eat like a crazed wolf.

So, if you're not a breakfast eater, take advice from a breakfast eating convert - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It will give you energy to face the day, prevent you from overeating late in the day, and will help to lower your cholesterol.

1 comment:

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

It's amazing what a difference it makes. But...I love breakfast food. Eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, pancakes...And I could eat biscuits all day long. Which is probably why I am doing the carb free thing as we speak :-)

I never was a fan of cereal or oatmeal though...