Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins

1.) The last meal I had at a restaurant was my 46th birthday. Before that, I don't remember!

2.) Cruelty to animals makes my blood boil!

3.) The full moon makes me crazy and horny!

4.) Okay, Sweetheart is one of my favorite local expressions; Okay, Sweetheart, thanks for calling.

5.) Sometimes it's best to just walk away.

6. Sweeney Todd and Ironman are the best movies I've seen so far this year!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward catching up with Dark Shadows: The Beginning, tomorrow my plans include re-reading EVERNIGHT by Claudia Gray (wonderful new book) and Sunday, I want to spend time with my hubby!

1 comment:

Heather said...

It might be just a rumor, but I heard that the Twilight movie premier is moving up to Nov 21st since Harry Potter is delayed. WOOO HOOO!!!